add home valie

Add Home Value – The best improvements

The common thinking is if you add value to your home, you will be able to sell your home fast!  So what are some common improvements that add home value?

Bathroom remodels are a great start.  Change the flooring, take down that ugly wallpaper, and add some cheap but fantastic looking hardware!  A new light fixture never hurt anything!  Bathroom remodels are a great start for you to add home value.  Check out these 10 quick and cheap bathroom remodeling ideas, from here.

Floors are kind of a no-brainer.  Harwood or laminate floors have become EXTREMELY popular in recent years for their ease of cleaning, great look, and they are easy to DIY install yourself.

Kitchen remodels can add a lot of value to your home.  Counter-tops, stainless steel appliances, maybe an island and/or a wine rack/refrigerator.  The list can be endless with kitchen remodeling.  A good rule of thumb to remember is that you don’t have to go all out during a remodel in order to gain a lot of value.  A bunch of little things can still bring a large return on investment.

Garage Door/ Front Door replacement and/or painting!  I recently saw a tutorial where you can gel stain your front door and garage door (yes even if it is not wood) and it gives your house so much more curb appeal and looks great!  Check out that tutorial from here.

The name of the game is, if you were going to buy a house, what would wow you?  Everyone loves being able to walk into a clean, upgraded kitchen – and the same of any bathroom.

If you have any questions about how to sell your home fast, how to add home value, or why to use a realtor to sell your home – please contact me and I will gladly answer any questions you have!



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