real estate negotiations

“Decide” – Real Estate Negotiations

Next up in our decision cycle is, decisions decisions decisions!  So far we have “Observed” the homes we like, we have “Oriented” ourselves towards the home we want to purchase, and now come the decisions in our San Antonio Home Buying OODA Loop!  Check out how real estate negotiations go and click HERE to see the reasons why using a Realtor helps you in the negotiation process!

A big part of many real estate transactions is the negotiation process – and often one of the best reasons to hire a Realtor.  Realtor’s have experience in real estate negotiations that often times a regular buyer does not.

Negotiations are are give and take type of deal.  There should be no take and take, and there should be no give and give.  Real estate negotiations are all about being fiscally responsible and the best set of circumstances that can bring a “meeting of the minds.”

Meeting of the minds refers to the idea that a Realtor, through the process of negotiations, can help the buyer and seller meet in their ideas, needs, and wants during this real estate transaction.  Real estate negotiations can be tiring and taxing – and they should be!  But, any good Realtor will tell you that negotiations are the part of the real estate transaction that they live for – that is where the representation REALLY shows.

There are so many things that can be decided in real estate negotiations.  Who pays for title, survey, when is closing, how long is the option period, how much is the option period, how much earnest money does the buyer need to put down, can the buyer put some earnest money down and put more down later, etc!  Realtor’s will keep their clients in the loop in regards to negotiations and should be on top of the game.

If you’re reading this and you are in the middle of negotiations to procure the home for your family, stand strong.  Your Realtor will guide you through the swamps of real estate negotiations, and lead you to victory!


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